A gang of off-beat and occasionally dark characters that do not often see the light of day . Carl Jung called them the "shadows" of our personality. Therapist Connor Beaton says they are an amalgam of "of all the disowned, painful parts of yourself that you have denied, rejected and repressed or suppressed over the years. " Normally hidden, they sometimes arise in our lives at importune times as tricksters and saboteurs. Yet they can also bring vitality and wisdom to the party if clearly understood.
This series has taken on more layered and deeper personal meaning since it appeared five years ago. At first the characters were shambling, oxygen-exhausted wanderers, stumbling along into an unknown and perhaps, dark future. As they have been painted, sketched, sculpted and role played, their meaning and power have become more understandable and in some way, sympathetic.
This is one stop along the way of a larger journey.
Excess Baggage
Cement and found objects
15"x 11" x 12" h
Cost: $ 450.
Indoor only
Mucho Muchachos
Formed cement and found objects.
Size: 14"x 9" x 18"
Cost: $450.
Indoor only
Burden of Belief
Cement and found objects
Size: 14" x 14" x 10" (h)
Cost: $400
Indoor only
Whisper Sweet Nothings in My Ear
Cement and found objects
Size : 12" x 12" x 16" (H)
Cost: 450.
Indoor only
Breaking Out
Cement, and found objects
Size: 10" x 12" x 12" (h)
Cost: $450.
Indoor only
A Young Man Dreams
Cement and found objects
Size: 14" x 10" x 14" (h)
Cost: $450.
Indoor only
The Best We Can ...Tangled Mass
Cement and found objects
Size: 22" x 9" x 12" (h)
Cost: $450.
Indoor only
To the Point
Cement and found objects
Size: 16"x 6 " x 10" (h)
Cost: $450.
Indoor Only
Its Complicated
Cement and found objects
Size: 22" x 9" x 12 "
Cost: $450.
Indoor Only
We generally consider measuring devices -yardsticks, tape measures, rulers - as reliable and immutable. In fact they are often abitrary and fluid, freighted with meaning of the dominant culture in which they exist.
The same is true when we reflect on what's important in our lives. What seemed vital to us earlier can lose its lustre and be replaced by other values and priorities as we age. Sometimes we are urged/ forced to embark on a search for meaning that is not easy or predictable. Often it's easier to ignore and stick to the status quo. Who likes change anyway?
These sculptures play with the changing nature of what's important in our lives and how we face it. The tools are mostly obsolete now , found in flea markets , rather than in someone's hands. These "imperial measures" are firmly embedded in dark cement that seems to hold everything in place. How do we take the next step and shake things up? It's not always clear and safe.
Next Time, There's a Difference
Cement and found objects
Size: 9" x 9 " x 18" (h)
Cost: $ 450.
Indoors Only
As You Wish
Cement and found objects
Size : 15" x 15" x 18" (h)
Cost: $ 450.
Indoor Only
Imperial Measure
Cement and found objects
Size: 9" x 9" x 18" (h)
Cost: $450.
Indoor only
Got it Made
Cement and found objects
Size: 20" x 20" x 20" (h)
Cost : $ 450.
Indoor only
Recently when cleaning out my childhood home, I came across the furniture that I used to play on as a child. Now largely broken and water stained, its elegant design and construction still speaks to me. This series is an effort to reclaim its beauty and meaning - in a word, "relevance" - in a new form.
To see more in this series, contact the artist.